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Honey Wheat Bread With Chia and Flax
This bread is hearty and nutritious.The honey lends excellent flavor, while the chia gel and flax meal give it a nutrional boost.It is great as a sandwich bread or toast.
Place all ingredients into bread machine in the order listed and mix on the "dough" cycle.Punch down dough after the cycle is complete and roll into a sandwich loaf and place in a well-greased bread pan.Allow dough to rise in a warm location for about 45-60 minutes, then bake at 375 for 40 minutes.
Optional - brush the dough with milk or egg wash prior to baking.
* Note - prior to making this recipe, soak chia seeds in water to create a chia gel.I keep a fair amount of chia gel in my fridge and use about 2 tbsp of chia gel in this recipe, however does not recognize Chia Gel as an ingredient.
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