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Oriental Chicken
I got this recipe back in the day from a package of Oodles of Noodles ramen noodles.Its a cheap, and easy, yet tasty meal.Sure to please! ( NOTE: cooking time does not include cooking the chicken ).
Break up noodles while still in package.
In a medium saucepan, bring water to a boil.
Add to the boiling water, the broken ramen noodles and the seasonings from 1 flavoring packet.
Cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally for 3 minutes.
In a frying pan, saute chicken in butter.Sprinkle with the other seasoning packet and the ginger.
Stir in carrots and broccoli.
Cook and stir 2 minutes (I usually cook a little longer).
Toss with cooked noodles.
Garnish with toasted sesame seeds ( peanuts are good too, and fresh chopped tomatoes ).
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