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Swedish Sausage Potato Cakes
The source for this recipe is The Flavor of Wisconsin by Harva Hachten, a collection of recipes.This recipe was submitted by Dagmar Noel in Waukesha, WI.It can be a supper dish, as well as breakfast or lunch.The time indicated does not include mashing the potatoes. For best results, use a well seasoned raw pork sausage with plenty of flavor.That's what will season the dish.Also, be sure to use firm leftover mashed potatoes ( definitely not potato puree ).They will work much better to hold the patties together.Although the recipe didn't mention this, you can coat them in breadcrumbs before frying the patties to give them a crispy exterior and then serve them with a Swedish mustard sauce.
Crumble and brown the sausage. Drain and reserve the drippings.
Add browned sausage, potatoes, egg, and about a tablespoon of drippings in a bowl.Add salt to taste.
Form into 4 patties, and fry in some of the reserved drippings, browning both sides ( add some vegetable oil, if needed ).
Serve hot.
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