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Cajun Prime Rib Roast
This is a great meal with a crispy crust.The heat of the oven removes a bit of the bite of the hot sauce.Enjoy!
Preheat an oven to 260 degrees ( 260 C ).
Place the prime rib into a roasting pan, and rub all over the outside with the hot pepper sauce. Evenly sprinkle with garlic powder and Cajun seasoning.
Roast, uncovered, in the preheated oven for 0 minutes, then reduce heat to 170 degrees ( 70 C ), and continue roasting to your desired of doneness, or an internal temperature of 60 degrees ( 65 C ) for medium, about 2 hours.Remove from the oven, cover with a doubled sheet of aluminum foil, and allow to rest in a warm area 30 minutes before slicing.
While the roast is resting, scrape the drippings from the roasting pan into a skillet.Place the skillet over medium heat, and stir in the sliced mushrooms.Cook and stir until the mushrooms have softened and begun to release their .Serve alongside the sliced prime rib.
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