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Pompoen bolognese
Plaats worst, wortels, knoflook en uien in de keukenmachine en combineer tot in kleine stukjes gesneden.
In a large skillet on medium high heat add your olive oil.Place contents of your food processor into the skillet and saute for about 15 minutes.You want to get the meat a little brown and caramelize onions.Let those flavors out!
Roughly slice up your basil leaves and add those in now as well.Then you can add in your pumpkin, wine and chicken broth as well as those spices.Can you smell the awesomeness happening here?! Oh you will! It is an amazing sweet and savory smell and you will think you are in food heaven, no you did not die you just made a foodgasm!
Roer en laat dit meesterwerk nog 10 minuten sudderen.
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